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Our Story


The story of Willow Welsh Corgis is one that spans over 30 years and began with the purchase of my first two corgis, Max and Dixie.  At the time I was drawn to corgis because they were a relatively rare breed with most people only identifying with the corgi in association with the Queen. 


My appreciation for this tough, hardy breed bloomed once I became owned by them, and I have never looked back since.  Each year I say "this will be my last litter of babies" however I soon miss the puppy smell and all the wonderful people they have made happy...and off we go planning for another herd of fluff muffins.


Our dogs are part of our family and live in our home, travelling with us wherever life takes us.  It is this deep love and commitment to the breed that will keep Willow Welsh Corgis happily raising little pups for years to come.

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